About Us

Brand Story

  Once there was a little girl, and she had a lot of toys. However, she wasn’t that type of girls who loves a clean and tidy room. She always put her toys all over the ground, and her mom was always so angry when she saw this. By that time, the little girl would be so afraid, and she cried to her grandma for help. Her grandma said, “here, take this magic basket, and it will collect all your toys.” The little girl took her gift, and the miracle happened-- all her toys flew into the magic basket, and her mom was smiling at her. Then They lived happily together.

  That’s a fairy tale, but almost is the history of Cherrynow. Our funder gained inspiration from her very own grandma’s soft and hand-made basket which stored all her cute toys during her childhood, and now Cherrynow is companying thousands of kids in over 15+ countries. The soft and sturdy basket can not only protect your kids from being cut, but also protect their childish fantasies with its cute pattern.

  Cherrynow, we keep your kid’s dream.